Do you want to go abroad to pursue your education and career in Germany?
Meet the most popular program for Indonesian in Germany! It’s called Ausbildung.
Ausbildung is a further learning system in Germany that consists of two parts: Theory and practice.
Ausbildung or Azubi (Auszubildende) participants must work 3-4 days a week in a company. The remaining 8 to 12 hours a week study theory at Berufschule.
Therefore, Azubi has an income or salary that is relatively large up to 1000 Euros per month (depending on the company).
The Ausbildung program is not only for Germans, but is open to the whole world. It’s just that with one important requirement that must be met by all Ausbildung participants later. Namely mastering German at least Level B1.

To be eligible for an Ausbildung preparation program from Bright Education Indonesia, you typically need to meet the following criteria:

Why Ausbildung?
Ausbildung is a dual vocational training system in Germany that combines practical on-the-job training with theoretical education.
- Education and skills training according to interests/fields.
- Residence/Apartment.
- Food and Drink.
- Health Insurance.
- Transportation.
- Minimum pocket money of UMR 927 Euro per month (increases every year).
- After graduating, you have the opportunity to work in Germany and other European countries.
- International standard diploma.
- As a stepping stone to continue your studies in Germany.
- Minimum leave of 24 days/year.
- Can travel around Europe (26 countries) easily & cheaply.