Frequently Asked Questions

All About Bright Education Indonesia

Bright Education Indonesia is an overseas education and career (work) consulting agency. We are committed to helping young Indonesians realize their dreams of going international.

You can contact Bright Education Indonesia through the IDX Information Center whatsapp number (+62877-1757-0174), through our social media (Instagram: | TikTok: and through our e-mail (

Bright Education Indonesia's head office is located in Bandung, on Jl. Mekarwangi No.79, Sariwangi, Kec.Parongpong, West Bandung Regency, West Java 40559.

Yes, Bright Education Indonesia has branches in Majalengka, Bogor, Depok and Bengkulu.

Bright Education Indonesia program learning locations are in the cities of Bandung, Majalengka, Bogor, Depok and Bengkulu.

For now, the Boarding Course is only available in Bandung.

Bright Education Indonesia Programs

Bright Education Indonesia has Work and School programs in Germany (Ausbildung, Aupair, FSJ and working as a nurse in Germany), Work in Japan (Jisshusei and Tokutei Ginou), Work in Australia (Work & Study in Australia and Working Holiday Visa in Australia), Study in Spain, Study and work in Singapore, study abroad, Language Tutoring and University Trip.

Programs at Bright Education Indonesia can be followed by a minimum age of 18 years to 30 years.

  • High school or vocational school graduate.
  • Minimum height is 160 cm for men and 150 cm for women.
  • Have an ideal body weight.
  • Average grade 12 report card score of at least 7.5.
  • Have a strong interest in studying and working in Germany.
  • Physically and mentally healthy, good behavior and commitment
  • German language certificate A2 (for Aupair program) and B1 (for FSJ, Ausbildung and working as a Nurse in Germany program).
  • Willing to learn German for those who have not mastered German.
  • Minimum 20 years old and maximum 30 years old.
  • High school or vocational school graduate (for Work & Study in Australia program) and minimum D3 (for Working Holiday Visa program).
  • Having good interpersonal ability.
  • Have an IELTS Certificate with a minimum score of 4.5 (for Working Holiday Visa program).
  • Fluent in English (minimum Basic English for Work & Study in Australia program).
  • Have a strong motivation.
  • Physically and mentally healthy, good behavior and commitment
  • Willing to learn English for those who have not mastered English.

Program studi tersedia untuk ke negara Jerman, Australia, Spanyol, Kanada, Singapura dan Malaysia.


You can directly visit our office and fill out the registration form or fill out the registration form online through the Bright Education Indonesia website. then after filling out the online / offline registration, you must pay the registration fee to the IDX account and send proof of transfer and also document selection. then take the psychological test and interview selection. after being declared successful, the next stage is the DP payment and signing of the MOU. after that you can take part in the learning you are following.

Yes, you can. But you have to take the placement test first.

After registering, you will get a schedule for the psychotest and interview first.

When registering you must prepare a recent passport photo (white background), a scan of the last report card (in .pdf file type) and CV if any.


We accept payments in cash or transfer to Mandiri / BCA / BNI and DKI Bank accounts.

Yes, program payments can be made in installments.


Offline and online consultations are available that you can schedule through our website or at the link

There is currently no gutter fund available.

Boarding Course, Super Intensive and Private Classes.

Parents/guardians will be sent a study report at the end of each month.