(Tokutei Ginou) program

Tokutei Ginou is a program that grants live status as a worker, not just an apprentice like Jisshusei.

Have you ever thought about working in Japan? Do you want to experience the 4 seasons and see the cherry blossoms fall? This can be happen because the Japanese government requires at least 300 thousand workers from Indonesia to fill the work industry in Japan. One of the work programs in Japan is (Tokutei Ginou) program

Through this program, you will get many benefits such as:

  • Short process
  • High standard of salary (¥ 149.000)
  • you can change workplaces
  • You will be provided with a residence and a bicycle (depending on the company)


Everyone can join the Tokutei Ginou program, but are you one of them?

Tokutei Ginou is not easy. However, Bright Education Indonesia always apply additional special requirements for those of you who are interested in joining the Jisshusei program, including:

General Requirements:

  1. Men or Women
  2. 18-30 years old
  3. Ready and able to learn Japanese up to level N4
  4. Does not smoke (during the language course process in the learning area until going to Japan), does not have tattoos and does not use drugs
  5. Have graduated from SMK / SMA (all majors) (for high school graduates, you are required to take work skills lessons for approximately 1-2 months)
  6. Physically and mentally healthy
  7. Have a strong mentality
  8. Minimum height for men is 163 cm and minimum height for women is 155 cm

Document Requirements:

  1. Birth certificate
  2. KTP (Id Card)
  3. KK (Family Card)
  4. MCU (Medical Check Up) Results
  5. Latest diploma
  6. School report card (Rapor SMA/SMK) and SKHUN (UN results) for vocational/high school graduates and
  7. Passport (if you have one)
  8. Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificates (SKCK)
  9. Signed letter of representation of willingness to attend training before going to Japan (provided by Bright Education)
  10. Signed parent / guardian consent letter (which has been provided by Bright Education)
  11. Signed agreement letter between the student and Bright Education Indonesia


There are several fields of work available for the Tokutei Ginou program including:


Nurses to care for the elderly


Manufacture of Equipment & Machinery Parts

Manufacturing Machinery Industry

Electrical, Electronic and Information Industry


Food & Beverage Production

Food Service Industry

Aviation Industry

Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Industry

Hospitality & Tourism Industry

Japanese Course
With Bright Education Indonesia

Consult your dream so that you can go to Japan. You can work, live and even continue your study there with us.

Besides counseling services, we also have a Japanese teaching team who has proven to be able to produce candidates who are fluent in Japanese.


Your dreams, goals and desire to go to Japan, then live and work in the program (Tokutei Ginou) program di Jepang akan kami dukung 100%. 

What kind of support will you get?

  1. Short process for Japanese Ex-Trainees
  2. For beginners who want to join (Tokutei Ginou) program you need to take approximately 4-5 months for learning Japanese language up to level N4 JLPT or level A2 JFT-bassic.

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